Review Full Mojo Rampage

Welcome to the world of voodoo, I am Talman and this is Full Mojo Rampage.

Full Mojo Rampage is a Action RPG from Indie developer Over the top games. It takes elements from Haitian voodoo religion and creates cohesive game world. The art and style works well with the gameplay showing a well thought out game design. I would describe how it plays as a modern take on the old school top down shooters.

The player has to find voodoo dolls, charms and wands to help them fight through the levels and challenge the bosses, occasionally aided by a spirit or Loa. Don’t get attached to the anything you find, you will lose them when you die or complete a quest. However, experience and gold carry over which go towards levels and persistent upgrades. These upgrades help quite a bit but you can’t level up until you die. Luck plays a big role too as the quality of picked up items helps you through the levels.

It is easy to learn the gameplay and the RPG elements encourage the long game for the persistent enhancements. If you can get past the early stages of not having access to anything, it can get addictive chasing the next unlock. Levels are randomly generated and there’s multiplayer mode to keep you replaying the game but it might lose its charm once you have unlocked everything, but I haven’t got there and I imaging it will take hundreds of hours of play.

At US$12.99 this would be classed as a budget game and with the great design and production quality it is great value and supports Independant game development. If you are patient you can pick this game up for US$6.49 on sale.

As a promotion for my website and channel, I am doing a competition for a copy of Full Mojo Rampage, you can enter at and leave a comment on the post for this review. Alternatively leave a comment on the youtube video or tweeting a link to this video mentioning @talmanau *. Good luck everyone.

* all three for multiple entries
